Moneysworth wins Best Small Protection Advice Firm 2023! Learn more

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Moneysworth’s director Andrew Wilkinson talks about the adverse impact long NHS waiting times are having on the protection insurance market, and urges the new UK Government to take action. If you’re waiting for treatment, it becomes so much more likely that an insurer will decline an application for life insurance, critical illness or income protection insurance. Sadly, all too many of us are still waiting for increasingly long periods to get the treatment we need.

July 4th, 2024

Posted In: GP, life insurance, NHS


One of the main reasons why people might not take out the life insurance and other protection they require is that they think it would be too costly. 

In 2017, insurer Sun Life asked people to estimate the likely premium for £100,000 of life cover, and the average estimate turned out to be almost five times the correct figure!

Other studies have suggested that many people believe Covid-19 has driven a significant hike in premiums, but again, this is not the case. With the Covid threat having diminished, and death rates now down around the historic average, there is no reason for the insurers, who operate in a very competitive market, to charge any more than they need to.

These two recent cases illustrate how we can arrange competitive life cover for our clients:

  • 43-year-old woman who took out an income protection policy with a monthly benefit of £2,000. The plan also had a four-week deferred period, with the benefit payable for a maximum period of two years, payable should she be unable to work due to injury or illness before the age of 68. The monthly premium was £38.81. This premium could be achieved despite the client being HIV positive and having a recent episode of anxiety.
  • 29-year-old man who took out £260,000 of level life cover over 32 years, for just £11.62 per month.

Moneysworth can search the entire marketplace for the most suitable product and provider for your individual circumstances. We advise on and arrange life insurance, critical illness and income protection insurance and particularly specialise in finding cover for clients with complex individual circumstances, such as those with medical conditions, or who reside outside of the UK. Contact us today to find out more.

The British Heart Foundation says that 7.6 million people in the UK are living with some form of heart condition. Whilst there are still unfortunately a number of deaths from heart-related issues, deaths due to heart issues are falling.

So what does this mean for people with a heart condition who want to take out life insurance?

An insurer is likely to regard your heart condition as an additional risk factor when assessing an application. The good news, however, is that there are insurance companies who will consider people with heart issues. There are clear benefits though to arranging your life insurance with a specialist broker such as Moneysworth.

If you have been declined by one or more insurers because of your previous heart trouble, or you have been told by another broker that your health issues mean you cannot get life insurance, then contact Moneysworth today. We have often been successful in obtaining policies for clients who have been declined elsewhere.

Having a heart condition need not necessarily mean that you have experienced a heart attack in the past. We can also assist clients who have experienced:

  • Angina
  • Angioplasty
  • Aortic Regurgitation
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Bicuspid Heart Valve
  • Brugada Syndrome
  • Bypass Surgery
  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Heart Murmur
  • Hole In The Heart
  • Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
  • Long QT Syndrome
  • Replaced Heart Valve
  • Tachycardia
  • Transposition of the Arteries

Moneysworth’s highly skilled and experienced team are experts in assisting people with many different mental and physical health conditions to obtain the cover that they need. 

Case studies – how we have been able to help previous clients

Recent examples of where we have been able to obtain cover for clients with heart issues include:

58-year-old man who had experienced a heart attack

  • Experienced a heart attack five years prior to the application
  • Had undergone surgery to open up his right coronary artery and to have stents fitted
  • Continued to take regular medication for two years following the attack
  • As part of the assessment process, the insurer obtained a letter from his cardiologist and also took into account the fact he had qualified as a personal fitness trainer since his attack
  • We found an insurer who was prepared to offer him £190,000 of life cover over five years for £72 per month, which was just over double the insurer’s standard premium for a man of his age

29-year-old woman with transposed arteries and stenosis

  • Her heart issues included transposition of the great arteries and right pulmonary artery stenosis
  • Details of her condition were obtained from a cardiologist at the clinic she attended as part of the insurer’s decision making process
  • She was offered £325,000 of life insurance over 29 years for £81.92 per month by one of the specialist insurers we have access to

47-year-old man with Essential Thrombosytheria

  • He was diagnosed with the condition following a routine blood test three years prior to the application
  • He takes medication on an ongoing basis to control the condition
  • He also had a heart attack back in 2005
  • A stent was fitted in a procedure shortly after his heart attack
  • Unfortunately, a number of providers indicated that they could not provide cover. We were able to find him a policy with a specialist insurer where he is covered for death from causes other than pre-existing health conditions. He has £100,000 of cover over five years for £22.43 per month

33-year-old woman who had undergone a valve replacement

  • Was diagnosed with ‘tetrology of fallot’ at birth and took daily medication to control this
  • She underwent surgery to replace a pulmonary valve in 2002
  • Other medical issues included post-natal depression and a family history of hypertension and Crohn’s disease
  • We found an insurer who would offer her £250,000 of life insurance over 30 years at £28.69 per month, which was just over double their standard premium for someone of her age

44-year-old man who had undergone surgery on two occasions

  • Underwent a bypass operation at just four years of age after being diagnosed with Ebstein’s syndrome
  • Continued to require three-yearly check-ups throughout his life
  • Further surgery was carried out at age 33 – mechanical Aortic Root Valve replacement for Bicuspid valve
  • Takes medication on an ongoing basis to control the condition
  • We found an insurer who would offer him £80,000 of decreasing cover over 25 years at £43.35, which was five times the standard premium for a client of his age

These cases illustrate that it can still be possible to obtain life insurance where:

  • The heart episode has caused the applicant to be hospitalised
  • They have taken regular medication for the condition and remained under the supervision of a cardiologist for an extended period
  • There are different heart conditions for the insurer to take into account when considering the application
  • The applicants had undergone different forms of surgery for their heart issues

If you would like to find out more, then contact Moneysworth today!

According to charity Mind, one in four of the UK population will be affected by some form of mental health condition in any one year.

Not only are mental health problems, unfortunately, very common in today’s society, there is also undoubtedly a stigma that surrounds this issue, and this inevitably has an impact when it comes to insurance applications made by people with a history of mental health issues.

The good news is that not every insurer thinks in the same way, and Moneysworth’s previous successes demonstrate that it is certainly possible to obtain affordable life insurance for clients who have experienced mental health difficulties. If you have been declined by one or more insurers because of your mental health history, then give Moneysworth a call today as we have frequently been successful in obtaining policies for clients who have been declined elsewhere.

Moneysworth’s highly skilled and experienced team are experts in assisting people with both mental and physical health conditions to obtain the cover that they need. 

Case studies – how we have been able to help previous clients

Recent examples of where we have been able to obtain cover for clients with mental health issues include:

31-year-old woman with a history of various mental health conditions:

  • Had previously experienced depression and post-traumatic stress
  • Had made attempts at self-harming
  • She had, however, been largely free from symptoms of any mental health condition for the last five years
  • Also had a high BMI, which was also a consideration when finding appropriate insurance for her
  • She was offered cover by two insurers. For £174,425 of cover over 19 years, she accepted a premium of £17.69 per month. The other insurer quoted her £19.40 per month. 

26-year-old woman with a history of depression and other complications:

  • First experienced depression around seven years earlier
  • Had made attempts at self-harm as recently as three years prior to the application, via various overdoses
  • Was under medical supervision for the condition until around 16 months prior to her application
  • Still typically took anti-depressants during the winter months
  • She eventually took out life cover for £25,000 over five years, at a cost of £13.67 per month
  • Unfortunately, in this instance, it was not possible to find an insurer who would cover her for death related to her previous mental health issues, so the policy we recommended is one that pays out for death that is not related to a pre-existing medical condition
  • This may, however, only need to be a temporary solution, as one insurer indicated they could re-consider were another application to be made in six months’ time

33-year-old woman who had experienced both OCD and depression:

  • First diagnosed with depression at age 14
  • Was free from depression at the time of the application, but was still taking medication for it at the time of the application
  • Made a suicide attempt via an overdose four years prior to the application
  • Was also diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Order in her 20s, and the condition still exists to some extent
  • The policy she took out was for £100,000 of life cover over 30 years. The premium is fairly high for the first two years, at £51.12 per month, but then reduces to £19.83 per month for the remaining 28 years 

50-year-old man with a history of depression and anxiety:

  • Had experienced both depression and anxiety in the previous five years
  • There had been at least two episodes of mental illness, which led to him needing counselling and medication, and he was unable to work for a period of time
  • He took out a policy for £100,000 over 20 years at a cost of £79.57 per month. This was a joint policy with his wife, and although the premium was fairly high, this was partially due to his wife’s medical history, which included an occurrence of breast cancer

These cases illustrate that it can still be possible to obtain life insurance where:

  • Clients have had more than one episode of anxiety or depression
  • Clients were still taking medication at the time of the application
  • Clients had attempted suicide in the years prior to the application

Types of mental health conditions where we can assist

We can help you find the right insurance if you have experienced any of a number of mental health conditions, which include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Panic attacks
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Post-Natal Depression
  • Schizophrenia

Our promise to you 

Moneysworth promise to be sensitive to your individual needs and we promise to treat you in a compassionate manner.

Our ground-breaking mental health partnership 

Standard exclusions restricting payouts for death by suicide in the first year are apparently not sufficient for many providers where there is evidence of what they see as significant mental health issues. Instead they often apply a heavy loading to the premium or refuse the application outright. This only increases the stigma that surrounds mental health in today’s society.

Also consider that, even when a mental health condition does exist, it is overwhelmingly likely that an individual’s death will be caused by a physical illness.

Although insurers are keen to point out that they offer about 80% of cases involving a mental health disclosure at standard premium rates , this provides little consolation to the other 20% that will be rated or declined.

Moneysworth are seeking to change the landscape for clients with mental health issues.  In partnership with a well-known insurer, we have a new Life Cover option that has been specifically designed for people who have had a significant mental health event in the last five years. This new cover option is typically available at a more affordable price, and allows individuals to obtain life cover for death by natural causes, while the exclusion for death by suicide remains in force for longer than the usual 12 months.

It is important to note, however, that we don’t automatically send all mental health cases to this insurer. We have a whole-of-market offering and we always seek the best insurer for your individual circumstances. 

Moneysworth’s highly skilled and experienced team are experts in assisting people with both mental and physical health conditions to obtain the cover that they need.

Moneysworth is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted in as many as three different categories in the Excellence Awards of insurance industry publication COVER.

These categories are:

  • Outstanding Client Engagement – in recognition of our fantastic advice offering and the administrative support we provide all the way from your initial enquiry to the point of completion
  • Outstanding Specialist Intermediary – in recognition of our specialist service where we assist applicants with medical conditions and non-UK residents to obtain life insurance and other protection
  • Small Intermediary of the Year – in recognition of our position as one of the leading small protection broker firms in the UK

This is deserved recognition of the efforts of our staff and a fantastic acknowledgement of the quality of service we provide to our clients.

Moneysworth now looks forward to the awards ceremony on 2nd November, when hopefully there will be further good news!

Before then, Moneysworth is shortlisted in the Best Small Protection Advice Firm and Best Individual Advice Firm categories at the Health & Protection Awards. That ceremony takes place next week, on 11th October.

The expert judging panels have recognised that we offer the highest levels of advice and customer service, so if you are a consumer seeking life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance, get in touch with us today.

If you work for a financial services firm, then you can rest assured that your clients will be in safe hands if you introduce them to Moneysworth, so again, please contact us to find out more about what we can offer.

October 4th, 2023

Posted In: awards


Trade association the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) has announced that it has renewed its Agreement on Access to Protection Insurance for a further three years. Since the agreement came into force in 2020, BIBA estimates that it has helped 30,000 people to access suitable protection cover.

39 insurers, brokers and professional bodies have signed the agreement and Moneysworth is delighted to be one of those signatories.

The Agreement makes reference to an important provision of the Equality Act 2010. While the Act allows providers to refuse to cover people with health conditions, in certain circumstances, the Agreement acknowledges the important point that insurers must make a “reasonable decision, based on reliable evidence, to refuse cover or charge a high premium to an applicant with a pre-existing medical condition.” This means that there should not be a blanket refusal to cover someone simply because they mention a particular health condition – the insurer should instead conduct a thorough assessment of the extent to which that health condition represents an increased risk.

Moneysworth specialises in assisting clients with many different mental and physical health conditions to find suitable protection insurance.

Moneysworth is also looking forward to two separate awards ceremonies later this year, where we have been shortlisted for five prizes. The COVER Magazine categories we are shortlisted for are: Outstanding Client Engagement, Outstanding Specialist Intermediary and Small Intermediary of the Year. The Health Protection awards we are shortlisted for are: Best Small Protection Advice Firm and Best Individual Protection Advice Firm.