Moneysworth wins Best Small Protection Advice Firm 2023! Learn more

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You may be aware of the Consumer Duty, which was introduced by our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), on 31st July 2023.

The Consumer Duty places new obligations on financial services firms to take positive actions to ensure they deliver good outcomes for their clients.

One of the main things the FCA wants to see from firms is known as the ‘price and value outcome’. This relates to whether retail customers are receiving ‘fair value’ for a product or service.

The ‘price’ part of this is easy to address, as when you approach Moneysworth for advice on your life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance needs, you won’t need to pay a fee at any point.

When it comes to delivering ‘value’ to our clients, we promise to:

  • Act in a professional and courteous manner at all times
  • Ask questions about your personal and financial circumstances to ensure we have all the necessary information to establish how much insurance cover you require; and to recommend the right product
  • Conduct thorough research, considering all of the providers in the marketplace, to ensure we identify the most appropriate provider and product for your individual circumstances
  • Answer any queries you might have at any point. We are available to assist at all stages of the application process, as well as once the process has concluded and your policy is in force

Our commitment to providing value for our clients also means that we will do our very best to find insurance for you, regardless of your circumstances. We can never guarantee that we will be successful in finding an insurer to accept you, but there are many occasions in the past when we have been successful in securing cover for clients with all manner of different medical conditions.

If you have a medical condition, then it might be the case that the choice of insurers is limited, and you may also need to pay an increased premium. We promise, however, to find the most competitive premium available in the marketplace.

We also have extensive experience of finding cover for people who reside outside of the UK. Once again, these cases can be more complex, but we undertake to provide the very best service and find the best policy available

If you have been told by another broker that you won’t be able to get life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance due to your health condition, or due to any other reason, then contact Moneysworth today to see how we can help.

You don’t have to have complex circumstances, such as a health condition or being an overseas resident, to be a Moneysworth client either. To get the very best advice on your life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance needs, contact us today and one of our experienced and knowledgeable advisers will be in touch.

Moneysworth is delighted to announce that it has won the Health & Protection Award for Best Small Protection Advice Firm for the second year in succession.

Health & Protection is a leading publication for intermediaries, consultants and brokers in the world of healthcare, protection and financial advice.

This is deserved recognition of the efforts of our directors, advisers and administrators and a fantastic acknowledgement of the quality of service we provide to our clients.

When presenting the award, the judges praised Moneysworth for our commitment to handling “more complex cases” and remarked that we had received “powerful testimonials” from satisfied clients. 

No client circumstances are too complex for Moneysworth and we regularly assist clients with serious medical conditions to obtain the insurance they require. We can also source appropriate life cover for clients who reside outside of the UK.

We were also shortlisted in the Best Individual Advice Firm category at the same ceremony. This award category was open to insurance brokers of all sizes.

2nd November could be another very exciting evening for Moneysworth, as we have been shortlisted in as many as three different categories in the Excellence Awards of insurance industry publication COVER.

These categories are:

  • Outstanding Client Engagement – in recognition of our fantastic advice offering and the administrative support we provide all the way from your initial enquiry to the point of completion
  • Outstanding Specialist Intermediary – in recognition of our specialist service where we assist applicants with medical conditions and applicants who are non-UK residents to obtain life insurance and other protection
  • Small Intermediary of the Year – in recognition of our position as one of the leading small protection broker firms in the UK

The industry experts at Health & Protection have recognised that we offer the highest levels of advice and customer service, so if you are a consumer seeking life insurancecritical illness insurance or income protection insuranceget in touch with us today.

If you work for a financial services firm, then you can rest assured that your clients will be in safe hands if you introduce them to Moneysworth, so again, please contact us to find out more about what we can offer.

October 19th, 2023

Posted In: awards


When you think of protection insurance, your first thought might be life insurance. Life cover is certainly important to make sure your family don’t lose out financially, should the worst happen.

Ideally, you should have life cover for the following eventualities:

  • To provide a sum to pay for your funeral
  • To pay off your mortgage
  • To provide replacement income for your family if your wages are no longer available

While life insurance is undoubtedly important, don’t underestimate the importance of critical illness and income protection insurance.

What are critical illness and income protection insurance?

Critical illness insurance provides a lump sum should you contract a serious illness, such as heart disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and more advanced cancers. This lump sum can then be used to pay off your mortgage and/or to pay medical and care costs and/or to convert your home to make domestic arrangements easier while you are ill.

Another valuable feature of critical illness is that you can also cover your children, so that you receive a sum of money if one of them was diagnosed with a serious illness.

Income protection insurance pays a replacement income should you be unable to work for an extended period due to accident or sickness. Income protection can either be long-term, i.e. it will pay out until the policy ends or you go back to work; or short-term, where the length of time it pays out for is limited to perhaps one, two or five years. 

Do I need critical illness and income protection insurance?

These types of insurance can be of benefit to almost anybody. Anyone can contract a critical illness, and anyone can become ill and need to take time off work, indeed you probably know someone who has been forced to do this at some stage.

If you are single with no dependants, then you might also have little need for life cover, especially if you also don’t have a mortgage. Critical illness and income protection might therefore be a higher priority.

Exploding the myths – critical illness insurance

It won’t happen to me.

Unfortunately, serious illnesses are far from uncommon. For example, Cancer Research UK says that 1,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK every day. The British Heart Foundation claims that 260 people will need to be admitted to hospital today, as a result of a heart attack. Leading insurer LV asserts that a 30-year old man has a 21% chance of contracting a serious illness before age 70.

If I get a serious illness, my life insurance will pay out.”

Life insurance policies only pay out when you die, or if a medical professional believes you have a terminal illness that will lead to death within 12 months. Cancer Research UK also says that 50% of people diagnosed with cancer live for at least 10 years. This means that people are increasingly likely to survive critical illnesses and to require medical and other assistance for several years while living with the condition.

I have private medical insurance.

This is a different type of insurance that normally only covers the direct costs of your treatment. You need critical illness insurance if you want to pay for longer-term care, or to modify your home, or to pay off your mortgage.

My family will care for me if I get ill.

This may be true, but remember that they might need to stop work, or at least reduce their working hours, to do this, thus reducing the household income significantly. You might also need specialist nursing care that only a healthcare professional can provide, or you might want to pay for modifications to your home to help with your domestic living arrangements while you are ill. It’s also great to have the peace of mind that your mortgage will be paid off if you become critically ill.

The insurers don’t pay out.

The insurers Moneysworth typically uses all had payout rates of between 87% and 98% for critical illness insurance claims, according to their most recent annual statistics.

Exploding the myths – income protection insurance

It won’t happen to me.”

Large numbers of people need to take time off work due to illness, indeed you may well know someone who has had to do this recently. Government data shows that, at the time of writing, 2.5 million people of working age in the UK are on long-term sick leave.

My employer will take care of me.”

Many employers do give you sick pay for a certain time, but how many will carry on paying you for several years? You might need to check your employee handbook very carefully. Even if you know of a colleague who was paid in full for a six-month absence, it is possible that the company did so on a discretionary basis, and that it was not contractually obliged to do so.

One of the best things about income protection policies is that they come with a range of ‘deferred periods’. The deferred period is the length of time for which you need to be off work before the policy starts to pay out. If your employer doesn’t give you any sick pay, you can select a deferred period of four weeks (usually the shortest deferred period available with this type of insurance). If your employer will give you full pay for three months, you can choose a 13-week deferred period.

I can rely on state benefits.”

At the time of writing, state support for those on sick leave is just £109.40 per week, which is clearly a very limited amount. The application process for this benefit can also be very complex.

I can’t afford it.

Income protection premiums can be fairly significant, but this is because the insurer might need to keep paying a significant proportion of your salary for the rest of your working life, in the worst case scenario. Consider that, in return for your premium, you get considerable peace of mind. If affordability is an issue, we can look to arrange a cheaper short-term policy for you, where the payout period might be capped at one, two or five years.

I am self-employed.

Many insurers will still offer this cover to the self-employed. Also, if you’re thinking that you could still generate an income from the business if you were ill, consider carefully how realistic this is. If it’s a small business and you are a senior manager, it could well be the case that the business is severely affected by your absence.

The insurers don’t pay out.

The insurers Moneysworth typically uses all had payout rates of between 81% and 93% for income protection insurance claims, according to their most recent annual statistics.

How we can help

Moneysworth are experts in arranging critical illness and income protection insurance. We are a whole-of-market specialist protection broker and we can search the entire marketplace to find the most suitable product and provider for your individual circumstances. Contact us today to find out more.

Moneysworth is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted in as many as three different categories in the Excellence Awards of insurance industry publication COVER.

These categories are:

  • Outstanding Client Engagement – in recognition of our fantastic advice offering and the administrative support we provide all the way from your initial enquiry to the point of completion
  • Outstanding Specialist Intermediary – in recognition of our specialist service where we assist applicants with medical conditions and non-UK residents to obtain life insurance and other protection
  • Small Intermediary of the Year – in recognition of our position as one of the leading small protection broker firms in the UK

This is deserved recognition of the efforts of our staff and a fantastic acknowledgement of the quality of service we provide to our clients.

Moneysworth now looks forward to the awards ceremony on 2nd November, when hopefully there will be further good news!

Before then, Moneysworth is shortlisted in the Best Small Protection Advice Firm and Best Individual Advice Firm categories at the Health & Protection Awards. That ceremony takes place next week, on 11th October.

The expert judging panels have recognised that we offer the highest levels of advice and customer service, so if you are a consumer seeking life insurance, critical illness insurance or income protection insurance, get in touch with us today.

If you work for a financial services firm, then you can rest assured that your clients will be in safe hands if you introduce them to Moneysworth, so again, please contact us to find out more about what we can offer.

October 4th, 2023

Posted In: awards


On taking out a mortgage, or increasing their mortgage amount, many people are prompted to take out life insurance to cover the mortgage balance.

Mortgage life cover is certainly important, but if you are taking out a policy for this purpose, you should also think about what additional cover you might need.

If you don’t have a mortgage, then you should still think about this area. Life events that should prompt you to review your life insurance requirements include:

  • Purchasing a home, with or without a mortgage
  • Entering into a marriage or other significant relationship
  • Planning to start a family or to have more children
  • A relationship breakdown
  • A change in your employment situation, such as leaving a role or receiving a salary increase
  • An improvement in your state of health

Depending on your individual circumstances, it can be a good idea to have life insurance for:

  • Repaying your mortgage on death
  • Providing a sum for your family to replace lost income should you pass away – if you are a family breadwinner, how would your family manage if the worst was to happen and your income was no longer available
  • Providing a sum to pay for your funeral expenses – the average cost of a funeral in the UK is more than £4,000, so would this sum be available to your loved ones if they had the unfortunate task of arranging your funeral
  • Providing a sum, payable on death, to mitigate inheritance tax liabilities – you should assume that any property and other assets you own over and above a value of £325,000 could be subject to inheritance tax at 40% on your death. Without appropriate life insurance, this could clearly mean that your loved ones would be faced with a significant tax bill were you to pass away

Moneysworth’s highly experienced advisers are available to discuss your life cover needs and to carry out a full assessment of how much insurance you might need. Contact us today to find out what we can offer.

Trade association the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) has announced that it has renewed its Agreement on Access to Protection Insurance for a further three years. Since the agreement came into force in 2020, BIBA estimates that it has helped 30,000 people to access suitable protection cover.

39 insurers, brokers and professional bodies have signed the agreement and Moneysworth is delighted to be one of those signatories.

The Agreement makes reference to an important provision of the Equality Act 2010. While the Act allows providers to refuse to cover people with health conditions, in certain circumstances, the Agreement acknowledges the important point that insurers must make a “reasonable decision, based on reliable evidence, to refuse cover or charge a high premium to an applicant with a pre-existing medical condition.” This means that there should not be a blanket refusal to cover someone simply because they mention a particular health condition – the insurer should instead conduct a thorough assessment of the extent to which that health condition represents an increased risk.

Moneysworth specialises in assisting clients with many different mental and physical health conditions to find suitable protection insurance.

Moneysworth is also looking forward to two separate awards ceremonies later this year, where we have been shortlisted for five prizes. The COVER Magazine categories we are shortlisted for are: Outstanding Client Engagement, Outstanding Specialist Intermediary and Small Intermediary of the Year. The Health Protection awards we are shortlisted for are: Best Small Protection Advice Firm and Best Individual Protection Advice Firm.